
Leverage for Higher Profits

We often highlight how most business owners work long hours in their business for insufficient reward.    They think that working hard is the key to success.  But they couldn't be more wrong. That's because there is no more important key to success than the use of leverage. I often speak to business owners who [...]

Leverage for Higher Profits2019-11-20T10:15:59+11:00

Develop a business plan for breaking growth barriers

There is a popular myth in Australia that keeping a business small is a good lifestyle choice and a way to avoid the stress and challenges of a larger business.   Despite the myth, most small business owners constantly deal with stressful situations and many daily crises in their businesses. Australia has almost 2 million businesses with [...]

Develop a business plan for breaking growth barriers2019-11-20T10:15:59+11:00

Small Business Success – Intention or Evolution?

The big question is: Do small businesses succeed normally as the result of deliberate intention or through an accident of evolution? What do you think? Often when I ask business owners what business success means for them, they come up with vague answers, or no answer at all. They have never given consideration to how [...]

Small Business Success – Intention or Evolution?2019-11-20T10:15:59+11:00

How to win the sales you often miss but never should

Have you ever had that thought when you know you should have made the sale but somehow they decided not to go ahead with you? You know that your potential new customer has just made the dumbest decision in their life. You know exactly how much they would have gained from buying your product or [...]

How to win the sales you often miss but never should2019-11-20T10:16:00+11:00

7 Tips to Help Your Business Thrive in a Shaky Economy

Here's a new article about how to make the most out of the questionable economic situation we face at the moment.  If you follow these tips, you should not only survive but actually thrive. Click here for 7 business success tips.

7 Tips to Help Your Business Thrive in a Shaky Economy2019-11-20T10:16:00+11:00

Pricing Strategy for Business Success

Competitive Pricing Strategy for Profit Maximisation A critical element of business success is developing your pricing strategy. Developing pricing strategy in competitive situations is something most business owners have to do. Business owners are faced with two opposing forces: lower prices generally make it easier to sell, but lowering prices also lowers the profit on [...]

Pricing Strategy for Business Success2019-11-20T10:16:00+11:00

How to Be Successful in Business

Many small and medium size businesses struggle to succeed, despite the fact that they produce great products or provide a great service. These business owners often find it difficult to be successful in business because they actually focus too much on their area of strength (their technical skill or ability in what they produce), instead [...]

How to Be Successful in Business2019-11-20T10:16:00+11:00
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