
We Help Systemise Your Business So It Can Grow Consistently and Sustainably

We specialise in Consulting in Melbourne and work with business owners every day. This allows us to see what works and what doesn’t. A big focus of ours is to not only change how the business operates but how the owner and management operate too.

Running a business shouldn’t be hard but often owners make it hard for themselves and their team. This might be because as an owner you spend to much time on the day to day and less time working on the business and its systems or just that no one has shown you what the successful businesses are doing.

If this is the case you might find yourself struggling with any of these challenges:

  • Not enough enquiries

  • Being crunched on price

  • Don’t have time

  • Poor team performance

  • Poor cash flow

  • Stuck in the centre of the business

  • Not enough enquiries

  • Being crunched on price

  • Don’t have time

  • Poor team performance

  • Poor cash flow

  • Stuck in the centre of the business

If you relate to any of these challenges then you must be frustrated. But what if there was a way to turn your frustration into freedom? A way that you can consistently and sustainably grow your business.

How Can It Be Different?

You are good at what you do. That is what has gotten you this far.

However, we find that one of the biggest challenges business owners face is that they are stuck in the centre of their business. Everything goes through them and their time is taken up with the day-to-day instead of using their time to grow the business.

There is a perception that you should invest your money so that you get a return but no one talks about investing your time to get a return of time. This is more important because time is more scarce and valuable than money.

So let me ask you… do you invest your time?

As a leaders in consulting in Melbourne, that is exactly what we do.

We teach you how to invest your time to build something that will replace you.

The Outcome Of Implementing

  • A clear direction for the business and what freedom means to you

  • A very clear strategy that will support profitable, sustainable results

  • A highly organised team of people that know exactly what’s expected and where they go for support

  • A highly structured and organised way to report results throughout the business and across multiple sites

  • A clearly defined workflow and list of all systems that need to be implemented

  • An asset that replaces you from having to be in the centre of everything

How does it work?

At some point, you have probably tried to educate yourself on how to better run your business. You may have even enrolled in a course or purchased a program.

And whilst education is very important it is often a waste if not implemented.

That is why we wanted to create something different. We find that time and time again business owners fail to execute on what they need to in order to transform their business. They blame not having enough time or not prioritising it.

Our focus when working with our clients is implementation. We have an online learning platform that provides you with the education you can consume in your own time which then allows the time you spend with us to be purely on implementation.

We work towards identifying, developing and implementing systems that free up your time and allow the business to operate and grow more consistently.

We help you develop your own online platform that will deliver these systems to your employees freeing up your time to focus on improving those systems and the business instead of treading water with unclear and inconsistent systems.

An Added Bonus

One of the biggest advantages of working with us is that you are not alone. You will join a community of like-minded business owners who have gone through the same challenges you have.

We run group sessions, networking events and referral groups where you can connect, share and grow with your peers.

One of the best ways you can grow is by learning from others and getting ideas from people that think differently from you. So we encourage our clients to network and connect with each other so that you always have a community of people to bounce ideas off and lean on in those tough times and those great times.

Will You Get Value Working With Us?

This is for Business Owners that want to create change in their business. If you expect to continue to do the same thing you always do then you will not get the results. If you think that we will come in and change everything for you then you will not get the results.

If you want to succeed you have to be prepared to:

  • Take responsibility

  • Acknowledge that the current way of doing things isn’t working

  • Be open to a new way of doing things

  • Work hard to implement these changes

  • Commit to attending as many sessions as possible

About Us

We are a team of passionate and highly skilled business coaches that specialise in helping businesses become more profitable and scalable.

Since 2012, we’ve helped hundreds and hundreds of the right kind of passionate and proactive business owners push their plans forward.

Everyone in our team is united around our core belief:

If we help business owners become extraordinary, they can’t help but create extraordinary team members.

If their team are extraordinary they can’t help but go home and be extraordinary there as well.

This is our cause, and our legacy.

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